به تاریخ 31.July.2022 تریننگ ده روزه ای «آشنایی با تدریس و ACR» توسط تیم ماستر ترینرها-ی دفتر TLO برای 30 تن از معلمان تازه استخدام شدهی تعلیمات محلی برگزار گردید.. در محفل افتتاحیه تریننگ، محترم آقای شهاب الدین ثاقب «رییس معارف ولایت هرات» حضور داشته […]
”Voice of the Afghan People (VAP)”, an Afghan civil society initiative that provides a platform for more inclusive dialogue among Afghans on developments in Afghanistan, has hosted several larger dialogues and consultations welcoming men and women from all 34 provinces.
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Coal, one of Afghanistan’s plentiful hydrocarbons, is viewed as a critical investment by the Afghan government to address the country’s existing unmet need and further growing demand for energy. Although it is estimated that Afghanistan hosts vast coal reserves, only limited new field […]
1. Social and Political Assessment One of the core areas of TLO’s research expertise, TLO, has been conducted numerous social and political assessments, including districts, provincial, and regional assessments since 2003. Besides, TLO has been providing specific context analysis before major development engagement for a […]
Project Objective: Livelihood and resilience of resource-poor, and smallholder farmers[1] is sustainably improved in Paktia and Khost provinces of Afghanistan. Outcomes: The productivity of resource-poor farmers ‘Income Generation Activities’ is enhanced CB-NRM associations halt degradation and manage common natural resources sustainably The productivity of smallholder […]
The Lobbying and Advocacy for Access to Justice Project was funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by Cordaid-Afghanistan in partnership with SALAH consortium from 2016 to 2020. Salah consortium consists of five top Afghan civil society organizations including; The Liaison Office […]
Assistance for the Development of Afghan Legal Access and Transparency (ADALAT)— Traditional Dispute Resolution (TDR) commonly known ADALAT is a Checchi Consulting funded project implemented by The Liaison Office (TLO). The goal of the project is to increase TDR adherence to Afghan law, equitable treatment […]
Paktia and Khost face similar problems as most of the other South Eastern Afghan provinces. Conflicts over land, water, and other resources linked to or causing tribal rivalries are of major concern to the Afghan government. Government verdicts in these conflicts are exploited by hostile […]
In the aftermath of international troops’ withdrawal in 2014, the government of Afghanistan was coping up with challenges on a number of grounds, chiefly security. In the area of security, a key challenge was the role of police force, particularly the lack of community confidence […]
Fragility, conflict and violence are the most significant obstacles to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the most fragile and conflict-affected country like Afghanistan, insecurity and injustice is chronic and widespread due to weak, unresponsive institutions that do not meet the needs and claims […]