Project Objective: Strengthening Social Cohesion through Community-based Natural Resource Management in -Paktia and Khost provinces of Afghanistan.
Objective, Results and Proposed Activities
This section describes activities, results (outputs), and objectives (direct outcomes) as structured along the project’s three main components: Technical support to strengthen water management practices; dialogue, conflict sensitivity and conflict prevention; Adaptive Management.The intermediates outcomes und the overall goal of strengthening social cohesion and the social contract in Khost and Paktia through inclusive, conflict sensitive and sustainable water management practices are described.
TLO-PATRIP Project Majority Achievement:
- 3 Community Beas Natural Rescuers Management Association Established.
- 5794 Trenches excavated it is equal to (5794 cubic meters)
- Train 240 people in NRM and watershed management.
- 2,703 main-day created for local labors.
PATRIP Project Activates Photos.