Project Objective: Ecological and productive functions of degraded forest landscapes have been restored in -Paktia and Khost provinces of Afghanistan.
Outcome 1: Ecologically sustainable and economically viable approaches to the restoration of close-to-forest ecosystems have been implemented.
Outcome 2: The resilience of the rural population to natural disasters and economic crises has been sustainably strengthened.
Outcome 3: Institutional and organizational structures for sustainable management of close-to-forest ecosystems have been strengthened.
Outcome 4: Sector-specific education and training products for the sustainable use of forest-related resources have been widely applied.
TLO-FLR Project Majority Achievement:
- 10 Forest Management Association Established.
- 2 Irrigation Project constructed.
- 50801 Fruit saplings planted.
- 5081 Trenches excavated it is equal to (50801 cubic meters)
- 1851 cubic meter check dam constructed.
- 96 fruit nursery established.
- 1270 Hector land covered by plantation of fruit saplings.
- Train 722 people in Nursery and NRM management.
- 25,664 main-day created for local labors
FLR Project Activates Photos.