The Liaison Office (TLO) and Afghanaid (the “Consortium Partners”) have joined together to Implement the Rangeland Management (RAMA) project in Dai-Kundi province which will build national and local capacity to inclusively and sustainably manage rangelands.

The project funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) to be implemented in the Daykundi province six districts (Nili, Khadir, Ishtarlay, Shahristan, Mir Amur, and Sangi Takht) in the phase one from 01.06.2018 – 31.05.2022 with total funds of               USD 5,907,492 (Community 3,212,057 and Operational Cost USD 2,695,435).

The RAMA project’s overall objective is to support poor communities, particularly women, to improve their livelihoods and rangeland ecosystem through sustainable natural resource management. The project is targeting a 15% reduction in poverty of RMAs member households by the end of RAMA phase 1. The project will do this by pursuing three key outcomes: 1) Rangeland Management Associations (RMAs) ensure sustainable rangeland management and disaster risk reduction; 2) Rangeland profitability improved, with topsoil and water retained and value-added in the processing chain; and 3) DAIL and PAIL/MAIL strengthened to establish and support RMAs and supervise rangelands through a tailor-made MIS system and database of users.

At the provincial level, RAMA project works directly with targeted rangeland communities on the establishment of  33 Rangeland Management Associations (RMAs), developing rangeland management action plans, and implementation of practical activities of soil and water conservation for improving vegetation, productivity and sustainable use of the rangelands. 

By establishing RMAs through a consultative and participatory process and gaining the support of the rangeland users and key local stakeholders, RMAs will exert positive influence within their communities to protect access rights. RMAs will be capacitated to consultatively develop Rangeland Management Plans, engaging a range of community and government stakeholders. With technical and material support, RMAs will implement measures to improve the productivity and sustainability of rangelands, as well as their resilience to natural disasters and climate change, ultimately contributing to improved food security for rangeland users.

The Consortium Partners delivered the following outputs in order to achieve the outcomes and contribute to the overall objective during Phase 1:

Outcome 1:     Community-based governance institutions improve and manage rangelands in an inclusive and sustainable way

Output 1:       Community-based institutions define access rights in a participatory way and establish community agreements.

Output 2:       Community-based institutions establish and implement pasture management and improvement plans to halt and reverse rangeland degradation

Output 3:       PAIL extension staff have capacity to replicate the process of establishing and capacitating RMAs

Indicator 1.1: By the end of the project, 80% report a 15% reduction in the number of food insecure months.

Indicator 1.2: By end of the project targeted families report on average a 20% increase in dairy products due to increased vegetation.

Outcome 2:    Women and men make sustainable use of rangeland resources to improve production and food security

Output 4:       Women and men apply sustainable land management practices on rangelands.

Output 5:       Women and men’s rangeland-based livelihoods are more sustainable and resilient

Indicator 2.1: By the end of the project, the vegetation on the targeted rangelands has been increased by on average 20%.

Indicator 2.2: Community contribution through RMAs member fees and in-kind contribution (e.g., labour, space, seeds, and protection) to implementation of activities in Rangeland Management Plan reaches 50% by year 4.


  • National and provincial level inception workshops
  • Signing MoU between Donor and MAIL
  • Baseline and endline survey of 33 selected Rangeland conducted across six district.
  • Rangeland Management Guideline and technical guidelines Developed
  • 33 Rangeland Management Associations (RMAs) established in target districts
    • Rangeland Management and improvement plan (RIMP) developed
    • Trainings conducted
    • General assemblies conducted, Executive Committee members selected
    • RMA registration document completed and are under process for registration in MAIL.
  • 33 social audit committees, monitoring sub-committees, DRR groups, and 296 bio-briquettes groups established
  • Capacity building of PAIL/DAIL staff on the NRM/rangeland Management related topics
  • Eestablishment of 33 fruit nurseries completed and nursery tools has been distributed
  • 296 bio-briquettes groups have been established.
  • 39 reservoirs for harvesting of rain water constructed
  • 14 low-cost water reservoir construction for irrigation of the saplings
  • Distribution of Rangeland Management kits, CERT kits, Nursery toolkits and bio-briquette tool kit
  • 33 Seed collection centres has been established and provided with 1716 kg of cumin, 132 kg of ferula and 4277 kg of cow pea
  • Exposure visits for RMAs to visit other RMAs in province has been conducted
  • Exposure visits to RMAs for agriculture students of Daykundi University has been conducted
  • Operation and Maintenance plan has been developed for 33 Rangelands
  • Community based disaster management plan (CBDMP) has been developed for 33 RMAs.
  • Four Advisory committee has been established
  • Training Material has been developed on Animal Feeding, Animal Housing, Grazing Management, Participatory Rangeland Management, Protection Management, Importance and management of vegetation, Cultivation and usage of forage crops, Bush cutting and Bio-briquette and TOT has been conducted to project and PAIL/DAIL staff
  • Training Material has been developed on Leadership, Simple book keeping, Financial Management, Accountability and compliance, and Conflict Management and ToT has been conducted to project and PAIL/DAIL staff
  • Training materials on 3 topics has been developed. HVCA, B.DRR, F. Aid, TOT training to Project, ANDMA and PAIL/DAIL staff has been delivered.
  • Eight topics of technical trainings has been conducted to 7539 RMA members including 3653 male and 3886 female
  • Bio briquette training has been conducted to 2793 and the related tools distributed
  • Six topics of social package training has been conducted to 2815 EC member of RMAs including 1451 male and 1364 female.
  • Basic DRR training, First aid and HVCA training has been conducted to 4551 RMA members including 2237 male and 2314 female.
  • Under the soil and conservation activities 111,028 Trenches, 144,680 eyebrows, 664,989 Ridge terraces, and 110,563 Contour and 9764-meter bench terrace۳۳s has been constructed.
  • In Total 56253 almond and apple saplings has been distributed and planted across 33 rangelands in 144 hectares of land.
  • Cultivation of دMedicinal plant seeds (389 Kg of Ferula & 785 kg of cumin) in 33 rangelands in 179 hectare of land.
  • Direct plantation of 7648 kg Almond seed & 1999 kg Khinjak directly planted, 8893 kg Alfalfa, 93         pistachio, and 1295 kg of Ghegho, 29 kg of Acacia and 5 kg of Arghawan seeds cultivated in 2098 hectare of land.
  • RMAs general assembly meetings are in progress. Each 6moths
  • Monitoring sub-committees has conducted several monitoring visits from the process of physical activities implementation, the findings has been reported to ECs members, and the required actions has been taken.
  • Social audit committees are leading the social audit meetings.
  • RAMA project steering committee meetings (SDC, DG NRM, TLO, and Afghanaid) has been organized
  • Distribution of 66 solar cookers for the beneficiaries of targeted rangelands in order to reduce the use of bushes and fodders for cooking and heating.